Cookie Policy

This Cookie Policy describes what cookies are, how and why we use both our own and third-party cookies on our website, what your cookie options are, and what you can do if you do not want to accept cookies from us.

What Are Cookies?

Cookies are text snippets that websites you visit send to your computer browser. The website or a third party can recognize you thanks to a cookie file stored in your browser, which makes your subsequent visits simpler and the services more beneficial to you. Although personal information that We maintain about You may be connected to the data stored in and obtained through cookies, cookies do not normally contain any information that directly identifies a user. The same conditions outlined in the Privacy Notice shall apply if the cookies contain Personal Data. Depending on how long they remain on Your browser after being set, cookies can be either "session" or "permanent." As long as your browser is active, session cookies will remain in effect. When you close your browser, they become invalid. Depending on which happens first, persistent cookies expire after a predetermined period of time or when you manually delete them from Your browser.

What Cookies are used at

_gaCookie used by Google Analytics to distinguish users.1.5 years
_gatCookie used by Google Analytics to throttle request rate.1 minute
_gidCookie used by Google Analytics to distinguish users.24 hours